
May 1, 2014

Fucking Pakistan's military

O yea! It’s the fucking Pakistan’s military responsible for everything wrong that happens. It should be destroyed and made extinct in order to resolve all the prickly issues hindering the survival of the state.
There is a strong school of thought who believes in the above sentiments. They don’t need to observe, analyze and conclude because it’s obvious that every chaos is the result of presence and procedures of military or establishment. From road accident to tension at LOC, monetary inflation to expanding poverty, increasing adulteration to terrorism military sucks. And the best perception to it is, to control and confine the role of establishment in the state.
In this context military is the worst enemy of the nation. It is involved in all the evils spread throughout the territory. It threatens people, kill them, kidnap them, target them in blasts and even sabotage the media impair the media so that no one gets to know the reality. It has imposed war on people by selling them to foreign forces. It interferes in politics, influence popular lead and compels to do as directed.  It always initiates war with neighbours through interfering in their internal matters secretly and most of all has forced a fierce mind set of pre-defined enemies.
Irrespective to this blame game, a common attitude spotted in the majority is questioning upon “power of military and its effect on nation”. For which some self assumed intellects quotes as “military respond only at times of tension at LOC or during natural calamities, whereas for the rest of the time they enjoy or disturbs the political drift for lust of leisure.” Wow! Isn’t that amazing because it means that the technological, defense and developmental advancement under military sections are directly supervised and managed by God? And the state is untouchable at boundaries?
Despite, when people suffer badly at the hands of the presiding government or with some extremely perilous situation, they start raising queries like why doesn’t the military…
·        Intervene and overthrow the government?
·        Stops the treacherous and devastating corruption by politicians?
·        Overtake the affairs of interior ministry to handle terrorism threats?
·        Makes civil services as efficient as it runs its own facilitating organs?
·        Respond aggressively to neighbouring forces at LOC and stops the diplomatic ventures of the politicians?
·        Do some magic to coup up with natural calamities?
·        Define jurisdiction of media to avoid anti-state propaganda?
There comes a long list of do’s and don’t for military. Military must not get involved into any state affair other than protecting the state and nation but it is responsible to make everything right too. But to make it so, it has to be off from all affairs and restrain from risks of getting part of the system that administer the social growth.
Actually the irony of this nation is the controversies it comes across at the hands of such conflicting mind sets propagating frustration by injecting anti-state ideas. Pakistan military comprises the same men of the soils, belonging to the same nation and fed by the same bloodline. Even they aren’t angles but they aren’t born to betray their begetters. They can commit mistakes, go wrong and may fail like any other entity of the state, though being the hawks of the country can’t be as exposed like the rest for the sake of defense capacities. It doesn’t mean that they are insane or are the only ones to be entitled as Pakistan’s possession. People shouldn’t forget that even they exist because the state exists and state is non existent without population, government and territories.

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