
May 23, 2012

Moral Depravity Vs Poverty

POVERTY-Prevention of virtual environment required to youthfulness. It is an adjudged state of breaking development for poverty is the biggest hindrance in overall perspective of fruitfulness of an individual to a community or society.
Well acknowledged study comprehends the reason behind physical or psychological downfall of a minor or major; clearly picturing it from poverty. Therefore, resting poverty as the main cause of corruption and maladjustment in living environs helping in conclusion of the all evils. Moral depravity, psychical assaults, financial crimes and psychological maltreatments, all in one flow are ultimately submerged to poverty.
This focused attention towards aiming prevention of poverty in order to fix the root inducing the mentioned threats in humanity.  This resulted into study of deprivations causing poverty such as housing, income, health, education etc. But the unsatisfying psyche of human showed that the areas chosen to cope up the level of poverty does not come up with a considerable achievement or betterment in percentage. Consequently, pointing to the financial system of working. Picking the mental disorder of hardscrabble influencing other beings negatively at this degree changed the approach. This in fact resolves it as “moral depravity is the root cause of poverty.”
Centering the resolved issue, the idea of deprivation implies that people lack welfare- a term that itself occupies a vast ground stressing morals as the most important ingredient. The demoralization has extended the savaging of earth exceedingly during all these times. Contrarily to the one roofed globalizing concept narrowing gaps, moral values have faced great threats through solitary of every individual. “I have my world in one box- Personal Computer”, giving you more then you imagine on behalf of small treasure one own- Family and Relatives”
Its all round, one shall reap what it sows. The digitalizing of psyches has informally streamed immorality nailing down emotional attachments that actually prospers welfare. “I know all” because I am tempted more to stay updated through global network ignoring the social deprivation and psychological attachments to humanity. The impact is so enchanting that the facilitated ones participate least in welfare activities. “I don’t have time” but “all I can do is to contribute some financially” only “if it is possible for me to keep some extra out of my budget”.
          Man is a social animal so has formulated humanity through physical and psychological intersections. This pattern of intersection at varied levels designed a One Beat emotional dependency which is well threatened through the consistently undoubted development of technology and facilities that has inferred a gulf between the rich and the poor ensuant the financial differences as well as moral. “I don’t care as long as I am happy and alive” has become one’s concern.
Disregarding welfare through ineffective system of circulation of money is the drawback evolving poverty. The cold blooded immoral attitude of the stake holders has no consent for welfare hence fuel a strategy profiting them most unconcerned to the deprivation they create for majority. “I have money and power to get anything I want”. This nature of exploitation springs up psychological rage and frustration in forms of immoral abuses from the effected class.
The owned ones do not need to look how the deprived one is living- almost dead or in hell. So does the effected one respond through inhuman humiliations criminality surface. Thus depicts that moral depravity in the highly facilitated class generated poverty and enhances the grounds for further ill-treatment graphing crimes to larger extent. The minor comforted leads the system by governing the majority working class aim mellower advancement in their living no matter even if it stakes the morals. There is a well justified statement for such a system of money, “Some people are born to lead-the rest to follow and obey. This is how the world has been made”. Infusing deprivation complex immorally among the ruled class discouraging there is no way out except snatching the power out of the hands of powered.
          This economical perspective has bucked up a wicked system of enlarged immoral associations flourishing insanity. The thrive to overcome it requires moral up gradation of the leading class in order to subside the brandishing of dimensional inhuman activities at all ends.
          The environment lacking welfare promotes tyrant modes designing negative thoughts in employees. “It’s useless being sincere employee for there is no chance of any appreciation.” The impression of inconsideration in the follower section; give ways to despair and hopelessness.
There is no hope unless the moral values are protected from the top to the grass root level of human intercourse. The equal respect heals the psychological deprivation among the economically divided sections thereof can be taken as an initiative towards remedial strategies of decreasing poverty. “How dare you contradict me? You are drummed out of my office” is the financial insecurity threat individual fears to death. Thus is a strong weapon in the clench of the facilitated class for manipulation.
Once the minds are directed towards potential credibility through equal treatment without discrimination of financial assets individual keep; the inhuman and immoral institutionalizing can be held in. this would motivate competitive population towards positive and constructive achievements as the importance to capability would ensure existence of secure financial scorings. “You will see my play in my times” raise challenging expectations leading to “I am capable to change the manipulating system through competing evils of distress” and “It’s never late to start a new journey.”

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