
Feb 10, 2012

Pakistan= oxygen for US

What a dolt? This must be the first response to the title for there has been an impression portrayed that Pakistan is an under-developed state comprising on debts from IMF. But the title isn’t debatable for the question is; what in the world has gotten into US’s think tanks that they consider Pakistan as an influential entity for establishment of peace in the region?

This isn’t a new story anyways. The people of the area during subcontinent were taken into consent for Second World War and since 1948 Pakistan being member of UN has bothered plenty a times for cease fire acts or peace talks for ending wars including Vietnam, Bosnia, Kuwait, Soviet and presently US-Afghan conflicts.
The present has taught the worst and the bitterest lesson to Pakistan for it has suffered through internal and external levels of war for being into the area and the situation since plus of a decade. And the non clarified threat was announced with NATO forces attack on Salala check post in Mohmand Agency of Pakistan. There is no justification for the incident in such a long term co-operative strategic war campaign between the two forces in the region therefore the blaze in temperament is obvious contrarily soft corner from government official, the implanted dogs of US, is also there.
What concerns more is that, US and allies cannot afford the blockage of supply routes for they are flying 250 planes daily as alternative whereas a single liter of diesel is costing them 110$. The alternative road routes take 52 days for a single consignment of supply which was being well supplied within 4 days casually through Pakistan’s supply routes before NATO’s attack on Salala’s post. It’s understood even for a minor why US has to contemplate on an apology, then what is it that’s taking time?
The inside perceived vision is that Pakistan Military has put forward a demand of around 100 million dollars for decline to the economy of the state because of the war support, damage of the infrastructure caused through war responding threats and deteriorating routes from supply along with prevention of drone attacks and an apology appeal in compensation. This cost US the best lesson on violating the sovereignty of a co-operative state in a conflicting area.
Now the American presidential election campaigns are already controversial due to the war strategies US has designed consistently comprehending as we see the interference in Libya and Syria. And this has to go on as Oil is the foremost want of West though China and Russia vetoed the extension of War to Syria for US is under the thumb to China due to heavy debts and deteriorating economy. Undoubtedly, if the western war allies stop supporting US, it has no stake to come forward for continuing even the Afghan war.
Therefore, to handgrip the situation US is playing through its implanted politicians leading Pakistan’s government which is not very effective therefore Saudi states are being used to pressurize Pakistan Military for a gently compensation though talks for opening the supply road routes. The banned SO CALLED entitled militancy propagating organizations are to be fueled for raising sectarian conflicts; for Pakistan is fertile for conflicts due to healthy sectarianism. Internal disturbances are worth torturing.
For an instance, what would happen if Pakistan blocks the supply routes for always? The threat Pakistan has confronted through attack on Salala will prove to be an open war zone for Pakistan but the fire when shortens oxygen in atmosphere creates suffocation which for long gifts death. US must think carefully and act wisely for its survival.

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