
Dec 10, 2011

2012- End for Whom???

“2012 is the end of the world” was a well hyped propaganda of the west honeyed by various scientific approaches. Relying on machines and instruments, west is trying to predict how, what and when life has to be and end.
There is no intention of arguing on the theory at the eleventh hour, for death asks no one’s permission. The thing that feds up is LOOK WHO IS TALKING? Bad mouthed but without grudges, considering humanistic approach of life globally, isn’t it true that in the crash course west is achieving, worse is their knowledge getting? Where does the holy common sense lies in everything they are doing?
Its globalised village allowing none to make head and tails of anything but what one witness chronically changes the mind to see the little chicken west is picturing itself. US owe $ 15 trillion of debt to China n rest and aid Pakistan along with few it aims to develop to cram its intentions towards natural resources? The allies so support it proving that the monkey can’t dance alone!

Though, it is no bang-up job in beating the drums because somehow they’re trying to hold the aces by covering their issues which might never have occurred if they don’t spend too much intellectual in their foreign and specially war strategies.

West is involved in plotting to grab most possible natural resources in the name of war against terror which actual is designed by itself.

And all the united allies get this…

Why? Just to not to let former Soviet Union get into the area US fronts the area along with NATO forces. Either its Russia or US or NATO, invasion will be confronted the same way, every state does it, or not? West itself is  approaching the lands to get hunted.

Wastage of resources, which can be used for development and contribute well enough, throughout the globe for humanity. Instead the war is crippling the world with financial downfall. War in any part of the world effect the grounds human walk at. It has become ONE foot earth practically.

Creating a considerable lot afraid of one’s own shadow is another Achilles’ heel to it.

And the morons are all brawn with no brain. They don’t know shit except what they are living. Least who may study or somehow are into the heels or with all ears might know the truth.

So, most rely on media which is more into its own interest to show what makes it earn.

It’s all told for asleep at the wheel perhaps away with the fairies. A small effort with shortest series of compiled facts for an acid test that 2012 might not be the end of the world itself and for all but perhaps for the west that much ado about nothing at its costing an arm and a leg war strategy for a desire that might never come true. The world is well fertile with blood and is experiencing enough to turn BLUE.

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