
Mar 26, 2014

Militancy- a sought strategy

Raja Fakeer Muhammad was a watchman in Revenue department of Punjab Pakistan and use to “black” the cinema tickets after loosing his job. It was 1980’s and General Zia-ul-Haq regime curtailed the Cinemas being un-Islamic when Raja Fakeer Muhammad to his neighbours  announced, “I am even ready to attempt a suicidal attempt at the cost of 50 k for I am indifferent to humanity in front of the hunger swallowing my children.”
Zia-ul-Haq during his rule tried his best to balance the social constraints for people but the disparity of opportunity among the literate and illiterate sections tended “blind empty stomachs”.  The shattered minds that were forced to up heal the insanity for survival. I was at cuddling age but my parents being witness to it keep reminding this event to me when I discuss the apathy of peace in society.
Today’s unsought and unending radicalization sets back to it unintentionally compelling my mind to rethink it periodically. The efforts to put an end to violence and torturing psyches seem worthless and impractical. For the veracity is; the political ventures seek dominance at the stake of lives because of which the deposition plans are always loose enough to reinstate the dumped strategies when required.
The bipolar world wars recorded failure with largest number of corps at both sides, proving the deadliest confrontation as a foul play. The pace introduced the cold war era diverging to war deterrence. The intellect here bounced to the deception of globalization for the intuition of success and grasped the idea of striking the roots through militancy. A sought strategy to achieve the impossible, militancy grows on a ground untouched by the enemy. It prospers through the sprinkles of native blood and nourishes the soil for the unseen enemy at the play.
The game undoubtedly was well amusingly played with a fruit ripened at fullest of sweet.  From Algeria to Cuba, Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan to Libya and Syria, militancy has posed perfectly. It has renounced the need of world wars and direct confrontations. The enjoined world through the magic of communication is now an easy bite of militancy facilitating the interested opponent. The insurgents produced by deprived class; at the hands of the unscrupulous political and social system is fed by the enemy at peace on frontlines.
Militancy is a strategy independent to any conspiracy, efforts, physical involvement, and mechanism. It is a sublime act of crippling a nation through emotional intelligence of a potent section of society intrigued by inhuman treatment from inside. The fueling ingredients are love, care and assurance to survival by any required possible means at the exchange of agonizing masses in the captive region. These strenuous targets on domestic grounds resist the frontier deterrence making it easier for the silent enemy to advance. Where as the laws confine the fiscal policies within the international trade circles to control the accumulated politics of the allies as desired. This makes the vicious cycle of poverty impregnable increasing the radical mentalities consistently. And the off spring to this malice is moral depravity which envisages more barbarity and savageness on its own soils.

The change in the international politics can be well observed in this context where aggression has been replaced by the negotiation tactics, assistance or alliance, aiding and moderation on the behalf of peace establishing institutions. Special Forces are organized to sympathize the melancholies of the nations. “We want collective peace” is back by the slashing blades of insurgencies to underrate the competent. The propellants have always been the ordinary lives to burn other ordinary lives to achieve the sacred goals of political dominance.  

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