
Mar 25, 2014

Orthodox Paraphilia in Obtuse Pakistan

Karo-kari terming as honour killing is a common phenomena of the conservative culture of Pakistan. An estimated 791 in 2010 while of 675 women were reported target of honour killing in 2011 by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan amongst 71 were under the age of 18. In 2012, 913 girls including 99 minors were reported in the category.
Traditionally defined as adultery, it has not only snapped a clear image of the conservative psyche of the society but also raised a serious concern upon the explicit increasing number of abnormal sexuality. Another important description is the section of age involved in the matter which is alarming to the growth of generation. But the question is how does sexual prodigy intensifies in such an orthodox environment whose essence is the detachment of gender association.
In fact the literacy rate in Pakistan, according to UNESCO in 2012 described 79% standing it to position of 180 in 221 world states. This includes most of the youngsters at the standard of ability to read and write. The population estimates youth bulge with a graduation rate of 445,000 annually under 203 HEC recognized institutions. According to this, frequent change and broadness should have been evolved; underrating the conservative ideas like karo-kari and so but unfortunately it has not. The rationale is the lack of interest and awareness to the common psychological disorders like maniac episodes, borderline personality disorders, mixed anxiety so and paraphilia specifically.

Pakistani society is so primitive in its nature that unseen diseases are hardly observed. Most of the population discard psychological patterns rather treat attitudes through conventional perspectives. This ensued frequent gender oppression and vehemence in young ages springing the sexual vigour. Paraphilia, abnormal sexual desires involving extreme danger is a form of this out spring. And the intensifying frustration level due to consistent instability of the state is impelling the term. Depression and irrational disparity to the psychological needs of individuals by the social norms adds fuel to the fire and the consequences are apparent.
Sexual attraction is a normal obsession until it is diverged to hyper sexuality inducting Paraphilia. Paraphilia can unfurl homosexuality, heterosexuality, Toucheurism, Frotteurism and more depending upon the availability of opportunity and interest for the desired satisfaction. It fosters from the psychological development of every individual grandiose by its environment.
Paraphilia commonly accompany discomfort, inefficiency, and bizarreness which are quite prevalent in Pakistani society, urging more Paraphilias to expose. Genders collectively lack so much of the developmental involvement largely that spares plenty of time to burst out the maniac episodes into sexual addictions. It can even be more of an undiagnosed underlying pathology like brain lesion, an endocrinal abnormality or medication effect. Abnormal psychologies can also result sexual harassments at all levels. And the social learning theory well justify the posits of the cognitive inheritance of this sickening behavior in a society.
The honour killing targets in Pakistan are found alleged to love marriages, sexual assaults, adultery, child abuse, homosexuality and else. All these are the out comes of the pre-mentioned conditions fumed by the fierce social constraints. Being an under-developed state tangled into continuously rising risks of survival, people have developed the sensitivity of pleasure indifferent to morality, dignity, honour and consequents.  The financial curb has escalated the disappointment in adolescence poring out in the form of vulgarity and the male dominant conservative society is accounting the females predominantly being a symbol of honour to any family for punishment.
The awareness and understanding of such psychological elements can comprehend the so called honour repentant acts and help in resolving the issues by positive and rectifying treatment. The subject needs to be addressed seriously and peculiarly in order to improve the social intelligence of the masses as well to underestimate the lame ritual.




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