
May 5, 2012

Mechanical Minds

Voice in the wilderness is often understood when the time goes.
Unfortunately and contrary to the aim and expectation of the modernism approach, men are facing more and more psychological problems. Immense development in technology and facilitation in humen lives has made the increase in mental disorders more observable only. Research for measurement of distractions, damages and study might play construtive role but getting into most complicated terms may deviate minds from simplest and most fruitful solutions.
“There are people so poor that the only thing they have is money”---- Money that is a magic with which one can buy anything in the world except love, sincereity, peace, good sleep and more of life at death bed. But the modernism craze has heightened this money as sun forgetting the sun has to set too.
Run, run, run---- struggle for money to facilitate oneself with everything material avaiolable, despite realising that then there remains no time to use that gained.
There are as many activities to be counted as the intergral number of people on planet engaged into whatsoever most probable to them. Amongst those there are least to perform their tasks with time management in order to accomplish them within the day whereas rest are always in a rush. The concept of free-will, gathering and dependence has lost its meaning distracting minds to fake linkages.
Self realisation, study, analysis and understanding has no place in lives for time has become the power of consumption to achieve what is looked upon.
Achievement of material is associated with happiness and failure to do so with disappointment. The fabric of sportsmenship, spirit of enthusiasm, and self confidence to compete with the ups and downs are nooked in dark creaks. Extenuation of strained souls through SWOT analysis, and recreation of more powerful self esteem for further growth has been badly interrupted causing more damage to the existance of a human.
Verily. Humen have not achieved a spectacular or striking status of modernism or development but unconsciously mechanised the minds like selfless machines that are functioned by the mechanical minds to attain boost of brilliance by co-consumers. Mechanical minds that are resistent to beats, emotions, congregations and breaths. No matter how splendid the mechanism is designed, material rots with time and so does the mechinal minds.
And the more the system is complex, the more are the chances of fractures leading to malfunctioning. The man isn’t God to be flawless. The more it will indulge into intricacy, the worse will be the consequences to face because the minds are made to response pulses, not the voltage.

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