
Apr 7, 2012

WWW (We Were Wrong)

I know I know I know…
To whom in the world are we addressing when all of us actually know everything? With millions of informative pages updated daily on internet, including what even we contribute; what difference does it make on the knowhow of an individual is questionable.
Isn’t it storming that we still need to inform beings about things around? For, it is an inevitable reality that the more we know quickly, the worse our memory gets in retaining ability.
Oh… what a jerk to say this! Absolutely perfect statement for one claiming above saying but if so then what is deteriorating the education system? With such a frequent stream of information with the easiest access world wide, education should have become like ANYTHING abundant and not quite observed due to commonality. Contrarily, by the passage of time it is observed that children are more frustrated and less interested into getting focused study.

Technology is being improved to enhance communication and children are facilitating themselves well with it to socialize largely leaving education apart.
“I know better then you”. “I know everything”. “I can work out all by myself”. “I don’t agree with you because I think….” all that is concluded through this immensely well designed web of information is “I”; justified by observational learning theory that people can learn by observing aggression in media portrayals and, under some conditions, model its behavior. Keeping the strong but unimpressive appreciation of confidence on it, it has to be realized that the “WE” aimed to be achieved through this advancement has been badly effected.
Not being distracted, weren’t WE altogether up to engulf the gap of languages, culture, religion, distance and development? Wasn’t it GLOBALISED VILLAGE dreamed to be achieved through educating and connecting beings for peace and betterment of humanity?
Oh… Sorry to ignore the fact that the world has discovered the largest number of subjects to be taught to the children and is providing as much advance information as possible; despite making it so complicated that it has diverted minds from the real purpose to what they can feel like can be fruitful.
“I am educated because I know how to use internet and various facilities providing me an access to almost everything I need to search and know.” How sweet to hear this only if this makes it sure that beings are accessing internet or so to get educated which is least practical as followed.

On the other hand, the greater the use of advanced media, the worse the mental and health issues are. Good for the communication researchers that they have gotten work to do over measuring increase in obesity, diabetes, leg cramps/insomnia, vulgarity, criminal psyches and abuses etc. 
March 28th Pediatrics says that more than half of adolescents log on to a social media Web site at least once a day, and nearly one-quarter of teens log on to their favourite social media sites 10 or more times each day.
Dr. Brian Primack, an assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh, Schools of Medicine pointed out that "sexting"- "sending, receiving or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs or images via cell phone, computer or other digital devices" has increased greatly disturbing relationships and family environment.

I know I know I know… only one insane would contradict to the most fabulous idea of using one-click go world knowledge fun but comprehending the approximation of this approach, it is time to persistently control and manage the amiss use of internet and design proper educational admittance before WE begot a sick generation which is on its move already.

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