
Mar 24, 2012

Slattern Politics

Undoubtedly, it is useless crying over spilt milk but mourning the Achilles’ heal is important for awakening, or perhaps beating dead horses would satisfy the effort of stirring the spirit of nationalism.
The deteriorating social and economic condition is only diverted with worst law and order condition. So when it comes to security, people forget about complaining over load shedding, inflation in prices and flow of money or even access to most facilities because it is important to live then to die in effort to get facilitated. This is so dreadful and pitiful that for living, people unconsciously pays not less then their lives.
Who doesn’t know that Mr. Malik, R. has enjoyed great power in FIA? And is the right hand to Mr. 10%? And, treated in jail for being involved in mishandling FIA’s powers to facilitate India in 1994-95? His dramas to humiliate Muslims are popular enough to entertain his masters being Zionist Security Advisor in Pakistan.
Playing in enemy’s ground government in 1995 expelled 2000 Mujahideens of Afghan-Soviet War and imprisoned a number; followed by B.B’s secret meeting to Israeli delegation in US the very year.
In 1996, Israel met India for WHATEVER but truly for the motive to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear program including Mossad and RAW for internal instability through blasts, sectarian violence, and target killing. Having their cooperative foots in the soils of Pakistan in the form of government, political and economic turmoil with violence was placed throughout the state and increase in Indian’s troops activities become prominent. Engaging the civilian into the security fuss, SOMEONE was tracking Dr. A. Q. Khan at kahuta (which was closely eyed by Pakistan military) hence the government was dissolved on 5th November, 1996 for security issues.
February 1997, provoked Indian defense minister T.K Banerji to get into the shit against Pakistan ambushed under an “exchange of technology” purposed meeting with Israel. Hence, after winning election, Mr. Banerji led his mission to 11th May, 1998’s missile test in order to test Pakistan’s response which was silence for two weeks until military recorded unusual movement of Indian aircrafts along state borders on 28th May, 2008’s morning. Politicians fight for credit of Pakistan’s Nuclear Position, what if the insides approach of enemy’s attack after two week’s silence of government would not have been suspected? The soft corner for Indians was also well witnessed through various projects signed by Mr. Shareef in 1998 ending up in a controversy over Kargil withdrawal when military was at the verge of success. The demoralization of young blood’s effort and calvary was alas Mr. Shareef’s treachery.
In June 2000, L. K. Advani visited Israel and made new deals related to Mossad and Shabak espionage and in cooperation with RAW allowed Israel to establish its network in India for efficient working against Pakistan. By July, Israel’s agents were heavily deployed in Occupied Kashmir and ultimately led to planning to infiltrate Pakistan with bangs all over. The operation fervently sprouted Baloch Liberation Army with camps training up to hundreds and adjusting agents from RAW, Mossad and CIA from Afghanistan.
The drama of 9/11 made the situation more crucial especially with Benazir’s visit to India and statement that, “Pakistan army has brought back Osama Bin Laden”. The rhetoric was perfectly in line with the agreement signed by US-India in 2002 to disarm Pakistan’s nuclear assets. In this regard, Abdullah Mehsud was freed from Guantanamo Bay with millions of Dollars in cash to penetrate areas of FATA.
For achieving the goal of operation Blue Tulsi, it was important to clear the site from military interference hence Lawyer’s struggle surfaced against Gen. Musharraf in 2003 accompanied by the declaration of the presence of 40 terrorist camps all over Baloch territory led by RAW in 2004, as reported by Baloch CM, Yousuf, M. Jam.
2005 from Day one was the earning year for Media agencies.  Right the next day, a female doctor was raped at Sui followed by consistent rocket attacks at gas installations in Sui making the days ahead busy with terrorist activities. In April 2006, Government of Balochistan in exile set ups its offices in Jerusalem under Azaad Khan Baloch. Therefore, Bugti, Akbar reaped what he sowed by helping RAW against Pakistan.
2007 was the unfortunate year for defense agencies and every unpleasant incident backed by CIA, RAW, Mossad and MI6 was tied to ousting Gen. Musharraf. Keeping civilians into outcast of Gen. Musharraf, Swat was ploughed heavily with advanced ammunition holder militants. Among all this, Mr. Haqqani, Hussain supported Benazir to confront herself in media in a way that US favors her power in state.  Whereas, Mr. Malik pursued National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) to make return route for Benazir; which in reality was to safeguard himself from lifetime imprisonment because of being a traitor. There was no option for military hands; either to step down or to loose nuclear secrets and the move was well taken.
The traitors are again holding the threads serving their US lords blindly whereas military is engaged in safeguarding its assets while tracing and eliminating enemies. The government has to complete its tenure peacefully so that military can cope up with foreign agents and internal threat of Baitullah Mehsud financed by US to destabilize FATA. Pakistan military has to make sure that the Blue Tulsi never enters its Phase two- attacking nuclear assets. Today, Balochistan issue is a key to the operation of enemies.

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