
Oct 10, 2011

Sold Land of Hospitality (Talibans- real or self-made)

Everything that glitters is not gold is a living idiom of all times. No doubt the conspiracy theory has well naurished the media and created glittering things to present as gold.
In 1979, Russian paratroopers landed in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan when the country was already suffering from civil war. The U.S took benefit of this invasion against cold war with Russia therefore on July 3rd, 1979 President Jimmy Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.
This was the time when trained Mujahideen’s were deployed in Afghanistan officially supported by Pakistan, who fought with Russians for eight years resulting in end of national war in 1989 and segregation of Russia into smaller territories. What an amusing stories changing the map of the world?
When two parties fight, the most benefit is taken by the third one, so U.S played the right cards. Only this time, he forgot the nature of the ground which had been already very fertile with the blood of deadly civil war of one of the strongest warrior tribes. Afghanistan was already divided into sections, the undesirable government and the revolutionary talibs.
Talib is word of Urdu language derived from word “ talab” meaning “having a desperate urge of something”. The word developed the terminology “talibilm” known as student in English. In the northern part of Pakistan and Afghanistan the students used to get addressed as talibs in short.
In every state youth is referred as an alert, revolutionary and developing power because of which nations develop their youth for better and stable future. The unfortunate thing is that youth of this part, the talib’s revolution against Afghan corrupt government was declared as terrorism? Why? Because U.S did not only intend to break Lenin’s Marxist Russia but also to capture strategically important territory through which it can target the oil and gas reserved states like Iraq or Iran.  This was strongly apposed by the Mujahideen’s and talib’s of the region and consequences are witnessed by the world.
Among this we kept beating the drums of terrorism creating more and more frustration and terror nationwide.  One of the reasons behind it was U.S indulgence in war over various states for hold of natural reservoirs and amazingly the second reason is Media, specifically mentioning the case of Pakistan and Afghanistan.  The seven C’s of communication were manipulated in such a way that concluded in world of one C, the CHAOS.
A number of Pakistani and Afghan Journalist have taken advantage of U.S war lust and aid its media with material that can support its aim to continue war. Though many  who didn’t even know the area, in start took advantage of playing fools out of westerns but later many who understood the issue searched, met people and portrayed things in proper way. But nothing helped in winning the war.  People throughout the world got more frustrated due to terror war created and things got worse with financial loss whereas Afghanistan is still in the hands of its tribal revolutionary forces. U.S and allies never knew of the soil and they still know nothing to establish what they want. All that happened just developed mess out of nothing.
The interesting thing is that, history is repeating itself again in terms of Pakistan. The peaceful land occupied by the most hospitable people of tribal areas of Pakistan is the delicious items of the time due to the deteriorating peace issues after Afghan war. Moreover, the indulgence of Pakistan in settlement issues and refuge to Afghan people have raised greater problems then ever expected. The tribesmen are not natured to tolerate external interference for the reason they are not to be ruled. History has proved this to the world that Pukhtoons can’t be tamed. The resistance to the invaders hence is well understood through nature of the bloodline even after so many changes brought by the education to the area.  The “Patkaey” on shalwar kameez with “zaywar (the ammunition)” is traditional get up of Pakhtoons pictured as terrorists. Due to having least government writ in tribal areas, “peace committees” composed of tribesmen in traditional get ups run the set up of the agencies commonly. Many journalists even knowing it depict them as talibans to earn dollars from western. This has made the war allies more conscious to hunt locals resulting into development of deadly enmity of the tribesmen.  Those who are playing in the time to feed media through such manipulations will pay in times to come because this is generating conflicts worse then ever.
The untamed ones will never give up. All the tribal agencies including Bajour, Khyber, Orakzai, Kurram , and Waziristan have their own desired peace committees, having military check posts where required. Though Malakand and Mohmand agency have gotten well settled like other areas of Pakistan still having their Jirgas as tradition. There is nothing wrong if no one interferes, for this is the only reason an unpleasant event occurs. Its record that no nation has welcomed invasions or interferences even in civil wars therefore the dispute is clear. Though, its evident that in certain cases, the militants have taken advantage of the media mafia’s created impact of Talibans after Afghan issue but they’re also confronted by the military and peace committees. Jirgas don’t support militants and does not like them in their areas. They are pointed by the local’s unity and compassion of hatred for restoration of peace in areas. Military co-operation has also defined the line between tribesmen and militants but the expedience of foreign interference has made it complicated through media exposure. The more the situation is dramatized, the more it’s nutritious for militants to act in the name of talibans. This has extended the time and utilization of resources for confrontation and the consequences still can’t be purely positive. We reap what we saw but time has come that we should stop amusing ourselves with ungold glitters of media.

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