
Oct 31, 2011

Communication in Flu :)

Trouble is mother of creative inventions. This is such a heavenly creativity that made me laugh many a times when I read it again and again. Last night that was 31st October, 2011 at 10:00 pm my married graduate in Arts sister messaged me to make her write an essay on “the difference communication skills make in communication of literate or illiterate person?
It was almost impossible because it would take too much time to think and dictate her on call and with worst flu and fever I was not into messaging but she was persistent on having that right away. The thing that makes me laugh is that communication can’t be enforced; it is collaborated when two agrees and I was into mess. But fortunately what I send her through eighteen serial messages is as follows… this isn’t something but shows my mental condition well enough for it was just into my mind.
Communication is derived from the word communis meaning to make common. The interacting activity between two people to develop commonality over an issue is communication.
Communication is essential and compulsion for constructive development of mutual and cooperative tasks hence involves multiple entities. Therefore, the desired target to be achieved is carefully planned and designed and cooperated between sender and receiver through a comprehensive medium for successful communication in order to activate an atmosphere of achievement of goal.
Despite of aiming the most effective communication theory, certain circumstantial factors are well considered to get desired results. Language, community, atmosphere, medium and most importantly level of education of the consecutive communicators that is sender or receiver are very important.

Any imbalance factors of the communicators create rather complicated noise then physical communication model can consist and so gives failure in any case. In order to handle such crucial noise creating factors, training of communication skills has taken significant place. Hence the scientific study has proved that education to the communication skills can improve the control of disturbance factors by analyzing the drawbacks a model keeps and modifying the system according to the requirements of the communicators.
An educated person would be aware of the level transmission between sender and receiver and can understand the target therefore can mould the pattern of the interaction accordingly. The one can perceive every dimensional hurdle possible and pick non physical and mental noise indulgence in system of working.

The complicacy of misconstruing message problem is a most probable consequent in case of gapped commonality of experience in communicators therefore an educated one can understand the level of the sender or receiver and adjust most effective response.
Contrarily an illiterate communication system with illiterate entities, nourish conflicts and maladjustment of mutual’s having no gains for any end.
The parallel, adjusting, or compromising techniques to avoid physical or non physical noise are an absent sense in an illiterate management.
An immense and debatable difference in aimed and raw communication can be judged through a literate and illiterate target and system. Education emotes the passion of most possible achievements one can get thereof persists comparatively higher thoughtful and planned communication with greater target oriented activity. It measures the flaws and gaps and calculate adjustments and fillings to Enbridge the gulfs.
Education enhances the tolerating capacity of an individual and teaches dimensional gripping of message to establish advance course of intimation among individuals that can create harmonic development activities through haring of ideas, which is least possible in absence of education.
Illiterate can read to get more know how of the dimensional perspectives of vast areas of study hence lack confidence in communication of more influential aiming.
Literacy design beauty of language and oratory, it pleasures the speaking and delivering of message and enforces discipline in respond which coats the burns of conflicting transverse and establishes a thought provoking amiable feeling to overcome differences. Consequently, the impact of education has been found strongly positive marking difference between literate and illiterate communication.
Ahhhhhh…… what has gotten into us? Excessive brooding has made simplest the most complicated and all I got was headache.

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