
Jul 3, 2011

Subversive bodily acts

According to Freud, the concept and dealing of masculinity and femininity is also outcome of these psychological phenomena. Freud has focused human psyche and egoism in order to discuss human treatment towards each other. He says that anger and blame are more dependent on the ego of an individual and the way he/she associate it with relationship. He states that all the emotions are originated from these mental attitudes and determines the heterosexual choices.
          The core of the study is to identify factors that weakens or strengthens the masculinity or femininity. Disposition in masculinity and femininity design their characteristics which makes the spectrum of attraction between the two bodies. For Freud bisexuality is the coincidence of two heterosexual desires within a single psyche. This is psychologically developed since birth in boys and girls through their parent’s relationship and natural body development.
Freud connects identification of gender taboos with melancholy because it immense the feeling of loss and gives fire to desire of acceptance. In melancholic situation, the effected person’s mind get more emotional and egoistic and he/she submerges into an enquiring session which results into drastic resolutions but by the time he/she realizes that much of the resolutions are not practical.
          The ego trauma stimulates mind to think tank over pressured situation and make it work out in various dimensions that raises substitution in order to cope with the emotions. The denial in failure or loss situation increases the desire to be loved and give growth to disposition among masculinity and femininity hence determines the identification of gender possession. Freud states it as, “this identity is constructed and maintained by the consistent application of this taboo, not only in the stylization of the body in compliance with discrete categories of sex, but in the production and “disposition” of sexual desire.”
This has highlighted the cultural perspective of sexual relationship binding and its requirement. The resistance to disposition or the strength of disposition is dependent on division of sexuality in culture, according to the law. Masculinity exists because of femininity therefore femininity dominates the development of the cultural sexual taboo; because it appreciates masculinity to abuse it through intense love. Freud in this context refers to this perspective as “Femininity is taken on by a woman who “wishes for masculinity,” but fears the retributive consequences of taking on the public appearance of masculinity. Masculinity is taken on by the male homosexual who, presumably, seeks to hide—not from others, but from him—an ostensible femininity”.
          It is human desire to have a considerable family in most parts of the world. According to Freud, “these dispositions are the result of a process whose aim is to disguise its own genealogy. In other words, “dispositions” are traces of a history of enforced sexual prohibitions which is untold and which the prohibitions seek to render untellable.” But this is not a definite case or milestone on which disposition can rely as according to Freud, works to consolidate gender identity through the appropriate rechanneling and sublimation of desire.
Gender identification and intensity of desire to disposition is transitive on gender psyche. How much an individual’s mind can resist strain and control emotional trauma’s infix the sexual attribute of a personality and defines gender existence. This determines the egoism of individual and extremism of arousal towards opposite gender. Freud conceptualizes the ego in the perpetual company of the ego ideal which acts as a moral agency of various kinds. The ambiguity is the demand of this incorporation Freud explained? The most evident model is the population of human race as Freud has also comprehended as bisexuality is the coincidence of two heterosexual desires within a single psyche.
          This concludes that gender identification is associated with psychological responses that vary from person to person as Freud presupposes the primacy of aggression over sexuality and explain it as “the desire to castrate and take the place of the masculine subject, a desire avowedly rooted in a rivalry, but one which, for her, exhausts itself in the act of displacement.” And this masculinity is starring because of the Femininity which is under mask to dominate masculine identification.
          Freud also suggests that “One possible interpretation is that the woman in masquerade wishes for masculinity in order to engage in public discourse with men and as a man as part of a male homoerotic exchange.” This is natural psyche of all women and knowing or unknowingly a desire that is irresistible that also supports egoism in masculinity that symbolize homoerotic relation.
          The abnormal gender attractions are dependent on parenting and socio-cultural elements but are more obviously expected in psychological disorders. This is assumed in the case of austere and disappointment which is not formulated and therefore not accepted or appreciated in natural discourse though it is more result of improper nonstructural environment and treatment from others.


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