
Nov 22, 2011

Mother in Law US

Hillary’s last visit to Pakistan was lastly entitled as Mother in law of Pakistan. Some concluded it funny while other understood the sarcasm of the term as per demand of US “Do MORE”.

For any ordinary mentality it was part of the play usually seen on media and was just another turn into PAK-US relationship or it would be more appropriate to be called as an interest deal of politics at both ends well defined by Obama.
The thought provoking and alarming approach that engulfed mind to write over it developed, with the news of two consecutive remote control blasts at pitch feeder Sui Balouchistan killing 5 Frontier Corps soldiers, injuring 11 along with destruction of two vehicles. It’s not that this is something very unusual for the day; but more seriously lifted a consideration towards all the incidents going on almost on daily basis in various border areas of Pakistan.
Firstly, let us see the annual drone attacks statistics concluded by "The Year of the Drone An Analysis of the U.S Drone Strikes in Pakistan, 2004-2010". This yet does not include the stats of US Drone attacks made after 17th November, 2011.

Number of Attacks
Number killed
There are no words for any review on it, for there won’t be a single to justify these attacks properly and comprehend the so called war against terrorism in the areas resulting into development of counter force. The counter force doesn’t require any justification for who wants to be killed that brutally and without knowing the reason to be killed? It’s not tribal’s of Pakistan, its human nature that has the capability to think over its defense. Though this isn’t appreciated anyways, neither drone attacks nor counter attacks but its common sense that if the situation would have been same in US, the counter effect would also be perceive same. And like always unhappy mother in law US still wants more?
No doubt that it can’t be denied that having controversial borders the militancy occurred in the regions so far but the developed counter force is expanded more because of this reason which is more openly expressed by spokesman of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan on 19th November, 2011 with the note, “we are ready for negotiations if government stops supporting US (war)”.
Everyone knows the interest game US has played in Afghanistan against Soviet. But If generally conceived, its totally senseless how terrorist factors can effect US by being in totally alien land to it. Are they ghosts, spirits or scientifically flying paratroopers who would fly to US and kill people? That’s impossible and well witnessed that no such thing occurred, hence can be viewed as another US interest’s game in WHATEVER no one clarified. Because it is not getting successful in Afghanistan by itself; forcing Pakistan to do more for it by granting financial aids which so far have only devastated it.

According to an estimate more then 4000 civilians have been killed in terrorist activities along with hundreds innocents killed by drone strikes in stance to target militants, whereas dozens injured each time for which stats are far complex.

Thousands of PAK Army officials have been killed in rebellious fight with militancy factors along with the counter force developed by drones because it does kill many innocents as well accepted by Peter Beaumont in his coverage findings on 17th July, 2011 for in such words, “The youth in the area surrounding a strike gets crazed. Hatred builds up inside those who have seen a drone attack. The Americans think it is working, but the damage they’re doing is far greater”.
Whereas Clive Stafford Smith in his November 3rd, 2011 article for The Opinion Pages says, "My mistake had been to see the drone war in Waziristan in terms of abstract legal theory--- as a blatantly illegal invasion of Pakistan's sovereignty, akin to President Richard M. Nixon's bombing of Cambodia in 1970".
Contrarily to this, US spends hefty in the name of development or welfare support but is reckoned nothing more then a mother in lay rightfully for there is no mooted positive contribution. For an instance, let this statement be illogical; who can justify it? There are least favorable to US among citizens for no one loves death on interchange of money. 
Why don’t the morons-citizens of US understand that they’re loosing their finance through a foul play with no result? It’s Pakistan which is at loss from all ends. It has devastated out environment, opportunities, hope of youth, economy, peace followed by heavy damage to human resource in military forces and financial crisis in market. The aid mother in law claims to provide doesn’t help anyways but in baking its own interest pie.

Pakistan is facing most crucial of all times in all border areas because of foreign interference from Afghanistan, India, Uzbekistan and the implanted ones developing internal disturbances. Getting part of 1979 play has taught Pakistan well enough by confronting arduous operational activities. The mother in law isn’t satisfied yet ignoring what we have gotten into just because of the interest game but any far sighted mind can well conceptualize the consequences financially and psychologically US will gain at the end.

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