
Apr 23, 2014

In the name of freedom "off expression"

An absence is a disaster and the provocative depth is bringing chaos!
Freedom of expression was termed and declared under the Article 19 of Universal declaration of Human Rights in 1948 whereas can be traced back in the England’s Bill of Rights 1689. The advancement and expanding communication system provide liberty to expression beyond the limits. It has miraculously amazed the intellect by uniting the integrals even with diverse opinions.  In this regard, the communication theories play a very important role in consistently improving and working communication. The increasingly enhancing role of communication is well apprehended in context of influence and achievements proving it as the back bone of modern developments. It has become so evident that absence of freedom of expression is a disaster to existence of sanity.
From Dissemination of information to the Propaganda, all constitute the freedom of expression making it devastating enough to challenge the peace of entire globe. The proximity through information is extremely crafty in its own presence. It has evacuated the security to other human rights through hawk nose approach. An individual is more alert to the prevailing global changes by consciously or unconsciously being involved directly into the mess.  This has made a chain connection of evolution of life in a multiplex network affecting everyone in one way or the other.
A profound approach to this whole web is exclusively unique even with the acceptance of its need, pros and cons to the humanity. The freedom of expression is an uncontrollable potential owned by the people, hence can’t be subjugated by any means of power. It neither was nor is dependant upon any declaration or hype of support from organizational efforts. And the claim doesn’t need any confrontation for if it is well applied then…
·        What is agenda setting?
·        Why do we see misconceptions through propaganda?
·        Why are journalists being targeted?
·        What is controlled system and spying for?
·        Why does information diseased with bias?
·        What is cyber bullying?
It actually raises more questions upon the structure of establishment and proceeding at all levels. The communication system facilitates and motivates the freedom of expression to control it as it desires. It impels the minds to brainstorm and express every possible dimensional perspective on an issue or discovery and then define jurisdiction for selected ideas.

There is a strong hegemony that leads the communication system no matter its media, any intelligence agency, radical group or political evils. Freedom of expression is only the mastery of digging the expression through appropriate and convenient channel to be controlled easily. It has revolutionized the mind control tactics and is getting even better with time. There could not have been a more magnificent way to “off expression” in the name of freedom. 

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