
May 9, 2012

Beyond Understanding

In early times of our lives we learn more from books then experiencing from around being under shadow of adults protecting us from all possible evils. We are spirited with the idea that books are the best companions of all times. Though with time and growth books becomes more of a tiring and boring job of study for reaching next level rather than a friend or a revealer of the world hues.
The approach changes due to the attitude society adopts towards the learner for upgradation of educational achievements, killing the beauty of knowledge secretly. The need of nourishing souls with knowledge become timely activity to get to the desired position required for being accepted in the social markets. Alas, there is nothing so devastating then spoiling a mind that wanders for know-how to satisfy its creation.
There are people illiterate to world’s educational customs, far superior in the mastery of knowledge, ability, performance and contribution. It is the essence of soul to feel and taste the widespread glory of the cosmos. It is a vision beyond imagination, calculation and explanation.
Perhaps this is the edge where creativity is appreciated as part of knowledge. Something very much of an individuals possession, undefined like a soul. Creativity that cannot be stolen, occupied, invaded or destroyed. It is universal in its existence--- strong and magical, connected in beings through unseen threads.
All things are manifestation of one hand, collaborating spirits attractively in commencement of the nature.  Just as the universe is created with mysticism unclosed for men to search and learn., mind roams and produces the unknown for hearts to penetrate and probe the discovery of incredible.
Creativity is not bound to inheritence, or to be taught or passed on to foresprings. It is infused in souls that commune with the waves of the same frequency. It is beyond all sciences, communication, psyches, and inventions. Perhaps, this is what we interpret as love.

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