
Aug 23, 2010

Child Treatment in Pakistan

I might be wrong in judgement of somebody’s good or bad behavior over children treatment issue in Pakistan. But the fact is that, parents, teacher and elders have least sense of treating children in appropriate manner. There is no tradition of understanding children’s psyche and using practicing counseling or therapy techniques.
            The family system is very traditional in Pakistan and least research is done. People raise their children according to family trends and make them opt most approached technical studies like doctorate specifically in medical or engineering or economics or mathematics. People think subjects in arts category or social sciences are easy and not worth enough for a bright and stable future. They are so ignorant to the fact that for social change and development, social sciences are must instead they associate such studies with mentality weak or nonintellectual children. The reason behind this approach is also because there are least opportunities in social science sector due to ignorance of social structure.
 Ignoring all social, cultural, economic and psychological factors influencing a child’s development, adults concerning a problematic child usually get into blame storming. Very few parents try to study and understand the situation they face while dealing with their children. They either educate themselves to resolve their child problems or get assistance from any helpful resource. The majority believe that going to a psychiatrist or counselor or any helping resource mean you or your child is mentally sick or abnormal.  
            Although, no doubt children and adult develop depression at large scale but illiterate ones never admit they suffer depression and in educated one’s many call it timely frustration or usual anger. Much ado about nothing is a common thing we experience around and this is one of the most common symptoms of depression.
            Insomnia, intense frequent anger, hopelessness, loneliness, anxiety, diet problems, development of suicidal mentality or harming approaches, or approach to run away from situations and maltreatment with people around in any way are not at all normal. These are common problems people face but usually prefers to find their own solutions.
People have started consulting psychiatrist to some extent now because their attitude affects their children. Children mostly learn from their parents and thereof when parents suffer mental disorders, children learn the same responses their parents give.
There are many elements behind adult’s mental disorders, common depression and frustration but children don’t understand those elements and follow their adult’s way of leading and treating life. This causes damage to social structure and restrains development of state. It is required to work on improvement of adult’s problems but children are to be focused because if they will be ignored, all efforts will be worthless.
Awareness needs to be created that a child’s psychology is affected by the treatment provided to the pregnant mother. The way a child; is fed, handled, given toilet training, the language used, and responded at situations makes his or her psyche accordingly. It helps in development of mental and psychical capabilities at adulthood.
Why a child is hyper, problematic, uncontrollable, and weak mentally or physically, a slow learner or unconfident, quiet, facing lingual difficulties etc are not ordinary issues. It does not always mean that the child is having such troubles since birth. Many of the issues emerge within developmental stage and should be realized in Pakistan.

 Most practical step is to change educational environment, approaches and structure. Children are to be taken into confidence and treated trustfully in order to give them mental strength. Adult need education to learn to let bygones be bygones so that they can control their attitude specially while treating their children.

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