
Aug 15, 2010

Bastard Pakistani Media (Game of Money)

An unfortunate element of Pakistani media is that it keeps on beating the drums on freedom of media contrary to the fact that it is working beyond the limits of freedom.
15th August, 2010’s killing of two teenage innocent boys has made me say what this media hid and mourns fake restrictions on its freedom. According to media ethics, no newspaper or media channel is allowed to show brutal incidents or bloody mishaps occurred. I don’t say that people should not be informed of the truth but giving hype to such things without responsibility is business not unbiased truth. Pakistani bastard media shows things and claims to be forcing authorities to provide justice.
 Hundreds of people were standing on the spot, watching the animals beating the young boys like anything and they did nothing. Media man n people were making video of this brutality. Where is the ethical restriction of media in this case? And then they show it again and again in their news broadcast. They could have stopped those men from this immoral, cruel and inhuman act but NO! If they would have stopped it, they could have lost a brilliant story of cruelty and might have lost a chance to blame government and authorities.
Educated people knew that right with the decision of making Islamabad the capital of Pakistan, land for construction of Lal Masjid was authorized in 1961. The so called Islamic institution was built like a fortress having tunnels in its walls and secret passages. It was the same media who give hype to the issue when army raids it because of illegal terrorist activist going on internally. Defense system was blamed despite of ignoring the fact that during civil government weapons and ammunitions was being transferred there under government’s security. One of the major incident occurred during PPP government when Abdul Haq was arrested and Benazir Bhutto released him on bail.
In swat and FATA non-muslims were busy in their savage activities, slaughtering and hanging dead in streets. When army started operation in area, the media started barking against defense system again. It was the military who secured the peace in area, the fact still is not admitted by many media.

In Karachi, people are being killed on daily basis and media informs people to horrify them but there is nothing to stop it. When people commit suicide because of corruption and maltreatment higher class do, media make stories. When president is entertained with shoe abroad, the story is part of the news for weeks.
When transmissions of any media are stopped, they face financial loss in billions. The same media then beats the dead horses of the damage they face for days and run campaigns for it but when it comes to torture and killing and brutality and slaughtering; the same media asks the authorities to deal the case. And this is not the end. There is so much that my life is short to write.
Pakistan media is a huge business that sterilizes people’s grievances for expanding its capacity for huge profits. Because what Pakistan’s media do, is neither ethically allowed nor practically. Media is a very responsible organization in any state’s existence but in Pakistan, every channel is competing other instead of fulfilling its duty. Pakistani media is a lost ball in high weeds.
The animal kingdom working in Pakistan, ruling barbarism is a pretty penny for media for this raise their business. They don’t dare to stop it rather record it and shows that they abide by the decision of the criminals. This Pakistani media all and sundry is bastard.

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