
Mar 16, 2007

Friend or Enemy?

Attack on GEO office Islamabad is condemned as attack at freedm of press in Pakistan. The incident is highlighted to an extreme and live comments are shown against the government, charged responsible for the attack.
GEO propogated the report of attack as if hell broke out in the world. Whatever happened was regretful and most indecent in history events. But the way GEO reacted to the situation was unjustified and even inhuman in away. They could have propogated a report against attackers identifying their source, a state organisation or executive institution.
Raising voice against this illegal activity—which seems more like a drama itself—was GEO’s right but provokin people throughout the world against Pakistan government was not acceptable. Which seems like the core aim to be done so far.
The event was promoted to foreign press like pestilence striken leaves. Image of Pakistan is degraded and humiliated in other parts of the world due to distribution of information related to intenal affairs of Pakistan. Or perhaps because targets are set as such. The world community doesn’t blame politicians to be responsible for any mishappening but under-estimate a lot in nation does.
During the coverage of whole scene at GEO office, it seemed like a propoganda set against critical situation prevailing in Pakistan attractine intruders to taste the blood of our nation. They act like hypocrites; exaggerating issues, calling enemies to subdue Pakistan like Afghanistan or Iraq. Instead of outpouring nation against own government, media should support its leaders to uphold internal responsibilities and secure state.
What was the intention of GEO by extension of attack news to voice of America, United Kingdom and European media? Must not to get sympathies. Or might be to please them through our soft-corners or perhaps a subdueing jesture to the masters who paid to contaminate minds against government?
No country in the world has ever been as humiliated like Pakistan. Our media, in the name of freedom of expression damages the image of the state to most filthiest possible level. This isn’t freedom of expression but treachery to state for arousing traitors to assimilate Pakistan.
If media finds anything wrong, unjustified or maladjustment in government activities or policies, it should carefully criticise and play positive part as a watch dog. Media is responsible for dissimination of required information to the people related to its state and then to the approximate world. The foremost role of media is to benefit its nation and state instead of personal gains through meanful propogations for those who intentionally want to engross its state.
Realistically, intead of being sorry for GEO the sensible or far-sighted have understood the black side of the potrayed picture. If wrong, there could have been better alternatives of  presenting this event’s report which would not have hurt the nation’s spirit, prestige and reverence.

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