
Dec 20, 2006

Who is Responsible??

Dancing around the fire is not the solution to any problem!!
Its a fact that Pakistan is an under-developed state. Although history has proved that in time of sixty years, a newly rising state stands to competitive economic merit on the world map but unfortunately this did not occur in case of Pakistan.
       In any gathering, at any level, when the reasons behind low economic status and instability of state are discussed; views against political leaders who took charge during any period of time are found. Since the emergence of this state, machinery of government never became stable to improve its economic status and there are certain patent and entombed factors regarding this. So ultimate turn out query is; who is actually responsible for these shortcomings?
Civilians blame political leaders who are infact supported by majority of them. They intend to hold their views for making others responsible and to save their own necks. People never likes to appreciate the positive efforts of a particular person. Hence, for the time, General Pervaiz Musharraf, the president of Pakistan, is being condemned for his actions along with the whole cabinet and government officers. Negative impact is becoming more and stronger against the whole government machinery. Besides that, a great tussle is continuously going on between the cabinet and the opposition, each trying to prove itself more concerned to the state and civilians. Although in such circumstances, government never remain in power for long but worse conditions are yet to come if citizens kept glancing at the drama.
     In previous times, citizen’s power never allowed any corrupt government to lead the state. The 9/11 misconception about Pakistan, Bajoure incident, WANA operation, South Waziristan issue, Malakand incident, Inflammation in citizens against certain misleading policies of government, prevaricating statements of cabinet about rehabilitation process for the people suffered in 8th October earthquake, including many more clearly demoes the political conditions of state as well as insincere leadership.
     What measures are taken to objurgate all that’s going on? Instead of decrying these things people are inclining towards personal benefits, either by irrefutable or illicit ways. Who is to be accused when debasement is attributing of an individual to a group? In consideration to all this, if there is any solution, and then it’s in the hand of every individual. As individual make groups and work together for the establishment of an aim to be made successful.
    Consequently, instead of blaming others, what one being an individual should enact to produce a positive change for this state?


Unknown said...

The question raised here is very relevant and the lines here are a good effort to describe the hypocracies in the action and behaviour of both the politicians and the people (including all those who criticize and are being criticized). . .

One person tried to fight the Dengue Epidemic tirelessly and the other person is ridiculing him. . . What a level of hypocracy and self interest. . . .

The whole society, even the whole world is following the philosophy of self-interest. Obama once said that the 21st Century is not the century of ideologies but Self-Interest. . .

So, the global philosophy of micro economics has also affected the very individuals and politicians to the basic of psychological level.

Binte talib said...

U r 100% right and thats what i stated because each time it happens, even after that how givernment changes?

Unknown said...

The bottom line is that NO ONE IS HAPPY in the present system in Pakistan. I am saying the Present SYSTEM. Which means not only the government but the entire SYSTEM, the social structure, the government system, the election/selection system, the system of N.A. and Senate, the system of Education, Econimic System, and all the systems.... THE SYSTEM IS DEFUNCT and we need an "Expert Engineer" to make it Functional. . . . per again, the question who?

Binte talib said...

This Who is NO ONE because the land is too fertile for conspiracies... All v can do is to be honest in our contributions