
Feb 14, 2013

Virtual Bloodlines

The most revolutionary change brought about by concept of globalization is the cyber advancement. The enhancement in the communication strategies through internet has totally modified the social structure of the globe. From dissemination of information to cooperation in exchange of ideas for running a system, the communication webbing has greatly influenced the practical society. The concept of connecting the world through fiber transmission has verged to the creation of virtual families.
In a positive perspective, it is not only quite innovative and fruitful as it emerged the geographical and cultural hues that separated the human races. The noise factor in interactional process has been confined to the technological errors only. The non physical hindrances are encountered by the modern virtual facilities that have even removed the issue of lingual difference through Google Translate and vice versa.

Social networks and communities have engulfed the misconceptions among the racial tribes and strengthen the existence of humanity. Issues are addressed globally rather than in domestic approach that enhanced the feelings of concern for betterment of all. The pros and cons of virtual relations are universalized.  Human beings have become more aware and conscious about benefits and threats of global changes and adventures. Every individual is playing its part in this woven culture of signals. People communicate more frequently and discuss every possible perspective related to their interest, sociology or world. 
Cyber socialization has restrained the ambiguities preside among minds due to certain cultural patterns or heritages. People have started accepting diversity and share their lives and experiences as a developing commodity. The thirst to know more and more is satisfied through the process of virtual relation building. These virtual bloodlines are drawn and cooperated through constructive and educational activities at broader canvas. People simply love to connect and express what they feel. The social apparatuses have played successful role in enhancement of this intermingled binding from every nook and corner.

This is becoming part of everyday life though more actively and distance is a mere thought. The cordial binding, promotion of business deals, public relations, education to the sharing of minds; the whole world is involved with the webbed activities. Even the games have become virtual enough to stop the real movement.  Despite of realizing the mechanization of humanity, the trend is being encouraged among new masses at large scale. The scenario is a contiguous disease to the health and survival of bodies.
Apart from this all, the close family tree has suffered badly at the hands of virtual bloodlines. Parents and children’s interaction time has been diverted to the internet for contacting cyber family. The concept of prime time remained no where and practical family activities are least appreciated. Even the gap between the real relations at times is being lingered on through virtual communications. Real time meetings have been displaced by the cyber terms.  The sensitive pattern of living world’s social fabric is tattered not only psychologically but also physically. It has immensely heightened the illusion of being into virtual relations rather than existing life around an individual. No matter how larger the virtual circle become, the mind toils with ignorance because the physical need of a human body can only be fulfilled through proper physical bonding.
The longings remained stagnant and the need of mental happiness prolong till healings through love and care of live company. Brain is not a machine that manifests by the grace of waves but enjoys and provokes the matter of beauty through emotions and practices. The quality time spent among humans is far superior than interacting with virtual hearts unless they transform into real meetings.

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