
Jan 16, 2008

Born Again (A Review)

A friend in need is a friend indeed”. What a manifesting proverb? I won’t say, as is traditionally said that, there are good and bad books and they are just like good and bad friends. In fact, whatever the subject matter of the book may be, it teaches you something. Now what the nature of teaching would be depends upon how you perceive things from the writing of the book. For one may adopt bad things discussed and forget the good things or avoid bad things and adopt good from the book. But a significance reality that can’t be denied is, few books are only based on good teachings and play great part in one’s life not only in developing it but also in managing and supporting it.
          After surfing through many books, magazines and novels; one of the book I found as a true friend guiding me throughout my life was, Born Again written by Faiez .H. Seyal.
Seyal writings show that he has observed and studied people’s attitude, doings and responses in various situations throughout his life. In his life time experience, intense misery including frustration, unhappiness, poverty, aggression, depression, anger, diseases etc. went through his eyes. These things instigated and motivated him internally to Research human suffering and the reasons for the lack of peace and harmony at homes, organizations, society and ultimately the world. He wondered over maintenance of peace in condition of dissatisfaction.
          According to Seyal, in the start, he used to think over the Creator’s execution of human suffering and the reasons why He does this so? But one day, a reference of Holy Qur’an changed whole paradigm of his life; that is “Whatever misfortune befalls at you, it is because of you”. This made him brood that our lives should be different than that of as it is and it is essential for us to realize the truth and reveal it for a bright life.
          Born Again---“365 days to a healthy, happy and peaceful life” is based on esthetic concepts, elements and techniques that are thought to be taken as best teachings. Hence, this literature contributes in basics of emerging “spiritual healing” process that do miracles in people’.
Besides, all these things when I personally started reading this booklet, I discovered myself to be accustomed to a very poor and pathetic quality of life. Before reading it, I too like many other people was experiencing common emotional traits in myself like aggression, jealously, guilt, regret, worries, self centeredness, self-pity and insecurity resulting in short temperament, uncontentment, complaining and blaming others for every bad things happen. But it made me realize my faults and not only showed me other picture of life but also provided a successful positive approach.
          This is a handy reminder of life’s primary truth and realities. It became a faithful source of motivation for me to get the best from it, in order to improve not only my own life but also to help others enhance standard of their lives. I without any hesitation accepted the fact that for changing the world I need to change myself first and in a very positive perspective. Therefore, I practiced these new learning again and again for weeks and tried to blend it into my personality and lifestyle. In a short period, by following this precious asset everything around me changed and I found myself much hopeful, mentally strong and optimistic towards life.
Not only this but it made me help others too and I counseled many disappointed people after treating myself and changing the way I was. A little study of psychology when was added with this book’s knowledge resulted in a powerful ability to motivate and persuade people and in a developing approach. I remain indulged in kid’s counseling for four consecutive years while teaching them helping them develop and utilize their urge to get more, observe and get from their environment.
Instead of mourning and blaming others, I started trying to find what wrong is done by me in order to clear ambiguity and problems from my end and then approach ahead to see what hurdles are created by others. I embarked on noticing real beauty of this world and the life. It learnt that giving room to others for explaining their view is important for a successful commitment.
In this global era of fast technologies misunderstanding are increasing as people don’t get time to communicate properly and due to many impacts latest inventions make over human’s mind; majority among us don’t possess tolerance. This contribution of Faiez  Seyal helps us to have kind corner in mind give space to others to come forward and abridge the gap and remove the ambiguities that destructed their fair business of life. This is true and most sincere friend one can get and it heals one’s spirit each time one read it.
At least every person should go through it once to understand itself for it contributes a lot generally in everyone’s life as it is stated at one place…. “Consciously or unconsciously various words we use, to describe our feelings, effect our moods, physiology, psychology etc. Words can even kill. If you say, “I am angry” or “I am dying”, your mind will take it as a command and will make you angry or dying. List down all the negative words you use and replace them with positive ones.

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