After the First World War with death rate in millions, the world decided not to encourage conflicts to extent of weapon game. A sense of pathetic realization came over and world minds sat together for mourning and rehabilitation provisioning. But even after long planning and great struggle the lust of power gave birth to many terrors which again consequent to great human slaughter in Second World War. Russell has truly said that “war lies in the minds of people”.
This is W.A.R-the world’s astonishing ruffle; which seems to be ending with the end of this world. Because after the two wars it had been decided that the third war will never grow. But the conflict to implement ideologies designed by human mind continuously stir up nations to fight and overcome each other. The powerful one’s not thinking of weak one’s have fought harder and longer, devastating and demolishing all those involved and uninvolved.
After the two wars, the cold war between Russia and U.S and allies ruined all perspective towards peace due to crisis amongst them over Berlin Blockade (1948–49), the Korean War (1950–53), the Vietnam War (1959–1975), the Soviet-Afghan War (1979–89), and especially the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world came to the brink of a new world war.
The ideologies were found more like egotism as Attorney General Sir Hartley Shawcross repudiated the sentiment of those who opposed war in UK by saying: "I know there are some who think that the horror and devastation of a world war now would be so frightful, whoever won, and the damage to civilization so lasting, that it would be better to submit to Communist domination. I understand that view – but I reject it". Whereas Lenin was of view that, “To tie one’s hand beforehand, openly to tell the enemy, who is now better armed than we are, whether and when we shall fight him is being stupid, not revolutionary. To accept battle at the time when it is obviouly advantageous to the enemy and not to us is a crime.”
This is W.A.R-the world’s astonishing ruffle; which seems to be ending with the end of this world. Because after the two wars it had been decided that the third war will never grow. But the conflict to implement ideologies designed by human mind continuously stir up nations to fight and overcome each other. The powerful one’s not thinking of weak one’s have fought harder and longer, devastating and demolishing all those involved and uninvolved.
After the two wars, the cold war between Russia and U.S and allies ruined all perspective towards peace due to crisis amongst them over Berlin Blockade (1948–49), the Korean War (1950–53), the Vietnam War (1959–1975), the Soviet-Afghan War (1979–89), and especially the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world came to the brink of a new world war.
The ideologies were found more like egotism as Attorney General Sir Hartley Shawcross repudiated the sentiment of those who opposed war in UK by saying: "I know there are some who think that the horror and devastation of a world war now would be so frightful, whoever won, and the damage to civilization so lasting, that it would be better to submit to Communist domination. I understand that view – but I reject it". Whereas Lenin was of view that, “To tie one’s hand beforehand, openly to tell the enemy, who is now better armed than we are, whether and when we shall fight him is being stupid, not revolutionary. To accept battle at the time when it is obviouly advantageous to the enemy and not to us is a crime.”
The cold war seems to have ended but in fact it has just changed it face. The game of manipulation of power is still in progress and has infected the world like plague. Even today’s world affairs predict the coming devastation human mind will make. The minds that debate heavily against the war are developing and preparing perfect tools of destruction, and planning for highest grade of power utilization.
The race is not a singular character but is getting shape of a trend amongst almost all existing nations. In fact all of them have to prepare themselves due to fear of any sort of foreign invasion. Darwin’s theory has been given due importance in this factor as everyone believe in “survival of the fittest”. Therefore for survival and to remain fittest among all races, nations are trying hard to challenge each other at best level ignoring the result of all the misshapenness with which humanity has suffered in past wars.
The wars which were initiated for gain of power have advanced for life now. Nations are striving to build its defense for surviving as long as it could be possible for them. This has encouraged the idea of nuclear development and the competition is getting more arduous. No matter what slogan the world community may chant, this world’s astonishing ruffle will cease only with the termination of humanity. The nuclear run around the world is rising every day which is clear symbol of devastation and the future of word “peace” will soon restrict to dictionaries only.
Even the largest economies of world like America has let down due to its heavy indulge in wars. It’s apparent integument of peace making image has shattered in citizens of many states including itself which is depicted from many movements Americans has started against its government to stop war. In the same way, Western and European nation’s interference in governmental structures and policies of other nations may deteriorate the international affairs in future. Human rights are being violated from individual level to state level in the name of peace by the westerns.
The terror of conflicts is not limited to western boundaries but throughout the world nations are facing defense problems, internally as well as externally. War is suggested as a solution to it but conditions are proving that war activities have disturbed the global conditions in all aspects. With the latest technologies not only the world has globalize but also its problems therefore, the solution to its ruffles is also required to be globalize. But the twentieth century powers wants to remain the most superior and degrade the twenty-first century emerging powers like China and India etc. then how can the idea of saving human existence be accomplished?
The egotism still exists in minds brushing aside the reality that China holds over a trillion dollars in hard currency reserves, India's high-tech sector is growing by leaps and bounds and both countries, already recognized nuclear powers, and are developing blue-water navies. The National Intelligence Council, a U.S. government think tank, projects that by 2025, China and India will have the world's second- and fourth-largest economies, respectively. Such growth is opening the way for a multi polar era in world politics, but this eventually raise third world war as post powers are not ready to accept any nation ahead of them.
The terror of conflicts is not limited to western boundaries but throughout the world nations are facing defense problems, internally as well as externally. War is suggested as a solution to it but conditions are proving that war activities have disturbed the global conditions in all aspects. With the latest technologies not only the world has globalize but also its problems therefore, the solution to its ruffles is also required to be globalize. But the twentieth century powers wants to remain the most superior and degrade the twenty-first century emerging powers like China and India etc. then how can the idea of saving human existence be accomplished?
The egotism still exists in minds brushing aside the reality that China holds over a trillion dollars in hard currency reserves, India's high-tech sector is growing by leaps and bounds and both countries, already recognized nuclear powers, and are developing blue-water navies. The National Intelligence Council, a U.S. government think tank, projects that by 2025, China and India will have the world's second- and fourth-largest economies, respectively. Such growth is opening the way for a multi polar era in world politics, but this eventually raise third world war as post powers are not ready to accept any nation ahead of them.