
Nov 26, 2008

World's Astonishing Ruffle (WAR)

After the First World War with death rate in millions, the world decided not to encourage conflicts to extent of weapon game. A sense of pathetic realization came over and world minds sat together for mourning and rehabilitation provisioning. But even after long planning and great struggle the lust of power gave birth to many terrors which again consequent to great human slaughter in Second World War. Russell has truly said that “war lies in the minds of people”.
          This is W.A.R-the world’s astonishing ruffle; which seems to be ending with the end of this world. Because after the two wars it had been decided that the third war will never grow. But the conflict to implement ideologies designed by human mind continuously stir up nations to fight and overcome each other. The powerful one’s not thinking of weak one’s have fought harder and longer, devastating and demolishing all those involved and uninvolved.
            After the two wars, the cold war between Russia and U.S and allies ruined all perspective towards peace due to crisis amongst them over Berlin Blockade (1948–49), the Korean War (1950–53), the Vietnam War (1959–1975), the Soviet-Afghan War (1979–89), and especially the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world came to the brink of a new world war. 
The ideologies were found more like egotism as Attorney General Sir Hartley Shawcross repudiated the sentiment of those who opposed war in UK by saying: "I know there are some who think that the horror and devastation of a world war now would be so frightful, whoever won, and the damage to civilization so lasting, that it would be better to submit to Communist domination. I understand that view – but I reject it". Whereas Lenin was of view that, “To tie one’s hand beforehand, openly to tell the enemy, who is now better armed than we are, whether and when we shall fight him is being stupid, not revolutionary. To accept battle at the time when it is obviouly advantageous to the enemy and not to us is a crime.”

The cold war seems to have ended but in fact it has just changed it face. The game of manipulation of power is still in progress and has infected the world like plague. Even today’s world affairs predict the coming devastation human mind will make. The minds that debate heavily against the war are developing and preparing perfect tools of destruction, and planning for highest grade of power utilization.
          The race is not a singular character but is getting shape of a trend amongst almost all existing nations. In fact all of them have to prepare themselves due to fear of any sort of foreign invasion. Darwin’s theory has been given due importance in this factor as everyone believe in “survival of the fittest”. Therefore for survival and to remain fittest among all races, nations are trying hard to challenge each other at best level ignoring the result of all the misshapenness with which humanity has suffered in past wars.
         The wars which were initiated for gain of power have advanced for life now. Nations are striving to build its defense for surviving as long as it could be possible for them. This has encouraged the idea of nuclear development and the competition is getting more arduous. No matter what slogan the world community may chant, this world’s astonishing ruffle will cease only with the termination of humanity. The nuclear run around the world is rising every day which is clear symbol of devastation and the future of word “peace” will soon restrict to dictionaries only.
Even the largest economies of world like America has let down due to its heavy indulge in wars. It’s apparent integument of peace making image has shattered in citizens of many states including itself which is depicted from many movements Americans has started against its government to stop war. In the same way, Western and European nation’s interference in governmental structures and policies of other nations may deteriorate the international affairs in future. Human rights are being violated from individual level to state level in the name of peace by the westerns. 
The terror of conflicts is not limited to western boundaries but throughout the world nations are facing defense problems, internally as well as externally. War is suggested as a solution to it but conditions are proving that war activities have disturbed the global conditions in all aspects. With the latest technologies not only the world has globalize but also its problems therefore, the solution to its ruffles is also required to be globalize. But the twentieth century powers wants to remain the most superior and degrade the twenty-first century emerging powers like China and India etc. then how can the idea of saving human existence be accomplished?
The egotism still exists in minds brushing aside the reality that China holds over a trillion dollars in hard currency reserves, India's high-tech sector is growing by leaps and bounds and both countries, already recognized nuclear powers, and are developing blue-water navies. The National Intelligence Council, a U.S. government think tank, projects that by 2025, China and India will have the world's second- and fourth-largest economies, respectively. Such growth is opening the way for a multi polar era in world politics, but this eventually raise third world war as post powers are not ready to accept any nation ahead of them.

Nov 22, 2008

Child Abuse

Sex is an animal instinct commingled in human psyche as a pleasure to satisfy it to its fill. It is universally believed that sexual temptations are part of a normal human being and those who lack it are insane. Therefore, it is considerable approach that with time all humans whether male or female get into it no matter how? So, there should be proper brought up of every human mind before it gets involved in any such activity to make him/her reach it properly.
          Even after accepting the above reality, every edge of globe is facing incidents relating to child abuse, although sexual activities have become an open market product. Psychiatrists believe that those who abuse children are mentally sick people and for the reasons commit such inhuman acts. Children are very much spited when abused that cause them much damage internally. But the question is why does people perpetrate this act?
          Many might see the apparent damages child abuse make but there are hidden sever effects that damages the whole personality of the child. Boys and girls get different effect from abuse. The intensity of effects depends on the magnitude and the way with which the child is abused, nature of the child and its age. Different children face abuse of various levels that affect them in its own way.
          Some people abuse children only mentally by pulling them towards itself either through positive attractions or negative persuasion. Just for the purpose to make the child a follower for any sort of mental satisfaction of the abuser could be the reason. Some people want to be the focus of one or more children so they abuse them for getting into children’s hearts. There could be several good or bad reasons why such person wants to get among children? While some get close to children by threatening and terrifying them so that they follow the abuser without protest.
Hollywood film, “when a stranger calls” also justify the above argument as the girl victimized in the film was to be abused physically, although she was rescued before rape but the threat and fear bring about terribly influenced her psyche. A case-study in Pakistan was also studied where a man, uncle of the little girl abused her. The man was childless even after two marriages and use to love kids a lot but the girl was very sensitive, she got mentally insecure due to the so called love as the man was intense in it. There wasn’t any physical assault or misuse but the passion of the man fatigued his niece.
          There are many cases when children are abused physically. Some elders, including male and females, use children sexually just for fun, for having young sexual appeals or due to sick intentions. No concern what the ground could be, but leads to long-term disabilities to individuals abused and society; for the curse spreads the disease of child abuse like pestilent stricken leaves. It gives birth to more like it that increases the number of infects depending on the abuser and the abused one.
          Boys usually are found stronger and build negative mentality when abused. They more of accept it with time and come up with it when they themselves grow up as adults. Girls contrarily get spoiled, no matter physically or mentally. But both genders do infuse the experience in its spirit that remain a part of them throughout their lives and plays it part time to time. For child abuse sometime increases aggression, vulgarity, violence and sexual appeals to excess. Whereas, it can also create vacuum in a personality, inflicting manethropic approach, loss of confidence and in sever condition developing split personality disorders.
          Abuse experience among children often make them regret it as their own demerit so children even after growing up happened to be reluctant in sharing such experiences. This haunts and insecure them lifetime as they feel ashamed.
Nancy Friday in his book “My Secret Garden- women sexual fantasies” not only discussed sexual approach of females but also discuss in details the trend of child abuse in America and its effects in molding usual and especially sexual approach of females. And her work has clearly revealed the bad out comings of many sexually abused cases. Like world around, sexual abuse cases are also commonly observed in Pakistan in almost all areas and to both genders equally.
          Physical abuse in child hood definitely shapes the normal mentally into extremist. It engages the growth into abusive trend and hence the adult it produces holds shortcomings in its acts in one way or the other. Psychological effect of child abuse could also be deteriorating with growth as in cases; he/she could simply be disjoining the humans or resulting in maltreatment towards them. Sensitive minds, when are abused could become addicted towards sex and may start abusing others for fulfilling their own temptations.

          Frustration that fosters from distracted soul also supports nascence of child abuse. It seems like the root-factor in the highly increase of child abuse. People get rid of their frustrations with sex no matter with whom. The discrimination among adult and child sex activity has been diminished that is also proved from the porn sites that involves young ones also. Open media is also responsible as children themselves are very much exposed to sexual contents. Counseling is the only best solution to guide and protect children to control this malady.

City of My Dreams!

It was 20th November 2008 when I got a mail from a pal that there is an international essay competition sponsered by various organisation. This was one of the most beautiful thing I ever wrote, and amazingly I didn’t think it at all. When I lay down at night, I couldn’t sleep due to all this coming into my mind so I got up and started writing it….thats what I fruited…
Before designing the city of dreams, it’s important to realize what ideal is; for ideal is the dream. I believe ideal is something that is almost perfect possessing all the beauties, attractions and positives one desire to achieve.
Oh! The earth is so ideal place!
And the different parts of it keeps so much colors that human heart belonging to any of it, never wants to leave it ever. What is then, that we still have to make a city of dream? A part of earth that’s awesome enough to adore?
          Its not that we don’t have city of dreams or world of dreams; but we are lacking the essence of ideal place in reality. All that’s required is, remove the lacking and negatives present.
          On my part, I don’t believe to keep sleeping and developing ideals but to open eyes and make hard efforts to achieve my dreams. I don’t believe in a place full of facilities and development which may provide all comforts of life but must lack heart’s happiness which is somehow happening with modern inventions.
          Technology is our need and essential part for a successful life but there’s something much more important and required to humans for living a happy and contented life. Its ideal place to live which cannot be achieved with material but approach, sight and a thought. Just a thought!
          A thought to make SWOT analysis of our environment and define all the lacking and potentials for remedies. For the earth is heaven’s image and just by removing its dirt which is also due to humans; it can be made ideal.
          If every individual do this analysis and think upon ways out to visualize a paradise like atmosphere around only in his or her part; the solution to every problem is no far. It is not the path we will be able to clean then but the feet that are marching on it too.
          We need to clean ourselves. Not to be angles but human that’s first and only presenter of God on earth. Being a true man of Creator is the idealism of humanity. If every human acts humanly, the least effort will be needed to just enhance beautification of the place it lives.
All what we need for happiness, is love. Love that compels to share minds, moments, life and dreams. Sharing give rise to desire for longer happiness and happiness comes from being together. And being together creates a sense of care and security of each other resulting in satisfaction. Then being together is all we have to do?
          A satisfied human never disturb others. Its something we can experience in our everyday life. It means togetherness is all we are lacking that’s destroying a lovable place granted by our Creator? Devilish intentions and lust have trapped us in such a sticky web of materialism that we have lost the feeling of hurt.
          Let me share a wonderful experience regarding my dream city. After taking a training of only 8 days, from an organization Action Aid International, few of us students realized something we have never thought of before. The training was on communication, perception, presentation and social mobilization skills.
          There was a group of almost thirty-two students who were very active and capable. In the start of training, things in training module seemed to be childish but day by day whole of our personality changed. It felt like we are enchanted by a strong spell of motivation and self realization. Although the training was not of very high standard but it made us find our lacking and faults which created problems for us but we never noticed.
          Therefore, few among us grouped together, shared ideas and ideals and established a group with name, THE GENERATORS. It has no resources to utilize but spirit of “Dare to be Different.” And a structure is made to make this group start mobilizing. This shows that motivation and unification is the first step towards ideal success and achievement.
          This group is based on participatory concept so that potential of every member can be utilized and best results can beget. This once will start working, more youngsters will be invited to join and deficiencies will be targeted, to be removed.
          Either its education, health, awareness or structural development, human resources will be utilized to confront all social problems of the area and then support will be acquired from different organizations to increase capacity building of generations.
In this way, slowly and gradually ways to solve every occurring problem will be discovered and consequently, no hurdle would be left in future.
North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, my area, is blessed with so much talents and abilities. Our people are loving and generous. But it is backward, because its not been given much attention due to its geographical condition that is mountainous ranges. It used to be very hard to travel and live here but it has changed a lot and quite developed not only by state but by many private institutions.
          All that is wrong is, many NGO’s and private groups are merely working and looting money in the name of development due to which more and more bias is raising among people’s heart against other communities. Unemployment and lack of awareness is still present as opportunities are provided to only those who take side of corrupts.
          This group wants to work under check and balance system within the group members and believe in man power not finances. Awareness is being created among many friends that although money is required to lead life nowadays but getting it by snatching someone’s right never gives happiness.

          I believe that this group will be strong and will definitely make great difference in mobilizing young energy in all positive activities, which will grow fruitful trees diminishing all thorns.
Finances are must needed but human resources are significant in taking initiative and that’s present therefore dreaming is no more our job.
          Hopefully the group will stand as a strong support to the area and soon will become the voice of all hearts. This will help in calling every single person on his or her own will to contribute to the prosperity of area and his or her own future success. Because, once we moved on, we won’t let people beg, steel or snatch but will make them so able to earn enough to be happy.
          A constant community will be goal that will diminish caste or race differences and “love is all we have to give” would be the message to promote and act upon.
          That’s what is required to us. But in any part of this heaven’s image, if such an activity is started; no doubt it will become ideal. Making different parts or cities of earth ideal, the whole world can be changed to most desirable place for every human being.
          Hence, the conclusion is, everything is in our own hands. If all of us make a combine effort to purify the originality of world’s colors, this world would be the most adorable place after heavens. And the death will only be a transformation from one heaven to another in reality.

Nov 20, 2008

Spirit of Youth!

A vision of a young one is no different for his or her contemporaries then to “Youth Organization and Unification to Transfer Heritage.”
Youth of a nation is the base of its pillars that support its existence and build its structure. If youth of a nation is strong and have developed mentality then even in worse circumstances there is no end to rehabilitation of a destructed society, no matter what resources are available.
That’s why a Greek philosopher, suggested of only letting those born children alive who were mentally sharp and physically fit while others should be killed from the very start so that time and resources are not to be wasted upon their nourishment. He strongly supported idea of survival of the fittest and put emphasis on sharpening fit ones for maintaining a better world’s prosperity.
       The purpose to mention this theory does not mean that this act should be adopted as it is hard to judge the capability of infants as compared to developing children. And it’s naturally observed with time that even abnormal children possess extraordinary qualities that can support development of a society at large extent. Every individual is a leader in its own perspective achieving skilled status after a period of time contributing his or her part as much as possible. It would definitely be absurd if one differentiate various groups of children of different stages as right, wrong, fit, unfit, worthy or worthless because Creator has made no creature aimless. Hence all that is needed is observation to scratch out ability of a particular one.
       A major example is of sweepers who make our environment clean enough for us to survive. He or she is a leader for if they do not accomplish their job, it is impossible at time to live at a place that remains dirty for long. Few might not consider sweepers as respectable, but denying this fact is denying oneself as human is a social animal and neither can live alone nor without anyone’s support.
       If youth is organized with proper education and training, the unequal social status could be diminished. Once this is done, unification can be achieved that will lead to a participatory approach of development, in which all can try individually to contribute as much as his or her strength is. This, if is achieved can do miracles to design a beautiful, high esteemed interactive humanity. A well-established society with polished humanity, will lead in civilizing others communities which will eventually end up in a stable growing country.
Hence, the root is to be protected to get a healthy fruit in the end. Youth’s image is required to be given due consideration so that their energy, abilities and potential can be directed in the right direction. When youth get support and guidance, a sense of realization towards its powers increase and courage comes up in youngsters to participate positively.
       Once the ground is fertile, later generations will easily accept the heritage and establish the trend of following it happily. This will bridge the gulf like gap of generations that’s another hurdle to improvement. Cooperative chain like structure will emerge into a network spread on whole globe covering the sky of equally distributed juicy essence of life motivating even the worse to change their attitude and behavior as favorable.
       Consequently, for a heavenly evolution, youth is to be targeted and utilized purposefully. Its game of mind control, directing ripened brains to best market for good price. That’s good trade to treasure youth positively for healthy results. Determined, honest and hard working youth change the destiny of its soil.

Nov 18, 2008

Cognitive Study ( Successful Communication Skill)

We meet infinite number of people everyday during our daily routine life. Sometimes we conclude that we have met good people and sometimes regret our meeting a person due to any bad experience. There isn’t any hard and fast rule to measure the greatness of any individual therefore there isn’t any scale to discriminate among the right and wrong individuals. Only it is concluded through human’s mentality and the experience it make.
          Communication scientist Leon Festinger (1962) in his theory states that; “human beings often have conflicting beliefs with actions they take, or other beliefs they have.  Cognitive Dissonance is when you have two good choices and you make your decision then you find yourself unsure or in doubt about the choice you made.  You might have to downplay the other choice in order to reassure yourself”. It means that when someone does not come up to our expectations, we mark that person as bad, unethical or incompetent even wrong.
          One might sort our several shortcomings in failure of a task while dealing with any individual in its daily life. Usually one refers all the shortcomings over the other person, because its human nature that it does not accepts its own faults. But in fact the flaw lies on both sides because communication is the only and the most successful adopted process in establishment and development of humans and is a bilateral process therefore; failure in accomplishing a task means failure of communication which involves both ends. Hovland, Janis and Kelly (1967) states that “Attitude changes result from an opinion change produced through reinforcement in areas such as attention, comprehension and acceptance”. One or the both ends lack in any of these attributes that results in communication abortion.

          Daily life successful communication is the most challenging task but could be achieved through small study and understanding of individuals cognition. Cognitive psychology deals with the processes involved in thinking, acquisition and storage of knowledge. Plato, the Greek philosopher in this regard suggested the idea of acquirement and retain of knowledge. He stated that the world is an illusion composed of ideas projected by human mind whereas reality only lies inside the minds of humans. So, the world is nothing but how humans perceive and imagine it hence all that exists belongs to the human psyche, therefore to understand the world understanding of human cognition is very significant. 
          While dealing in everyday life, no matter with whom; the requirement is of giving space to other person keeping in mind that the other person might be having varied level of cognition, better or worse then you. The cognition level of every individual needs time to be analyzed but for good communication and successful conveying of message in small time period, space matters a lot. The process of communication only becomes successful for sure when both sender and receiver accept the position of each other. There can be difference of nature, environment, culture, literacy rate, age, gender and much more. All these factors do affect the process of interaction and rate of understanding as discussed in Shannon and Weaver’s Model of communication in 1940’s.
          The cognition level is affected by everything involved in the development of an individual thereof, while communicating with anyone, one has to keep every aspect in mind and get ready for any type of reaction. The response could be timely or for longer period depending upon the cognitive dissonance individual keep. Every single decide for itself, selective exposure, perception and retention that satisfies its mental requirement that depicts that decision power is also influenced by this selective cognition. 
          Emotional status or high emotional arousal reduces effectiveness of effortful processes. If one is given difficult or demanding task in a sad mood, he/she would not be able to concentrate on that task reducing chances of fulfillment. The emotional tendency is according to the cognitive power allowing the person to control its emotions to the extent of its acceptance of a situation. This also helps in decision making and action taking.
          Cognition directs person to probe every dimension of a situation evolving best possible solution of an issue, in consequent of which most right steps to be taken. This not only justifies a private’s responsibility but encourages and moulds other’s skills by giving them a trend to follow. Hence, a good cognitive approach gives birth to more capable minds by increasing the chances of their acceptability through its own example. People then share and communicate their ideas more openly and accepts criticism more heartedly.
          Whole-hearted acceptance makes one understand all its actions naturally as he/she become compelled from its own conscious to brood over success or failure of their actions. It makes them realize the rights and wrongs and give them more hope for correction. Psychological control of cognition in itself is a strong tool in winning hearts and evacuating misunderstanding among healthy minds.
          The people who understand their own cognition and dissonances it suffers also found more profound in analyzing other’s cognition and deals more affectively in different matters. They become great successors in managing communication affairs establishing vast links for prosperous businesses. That’s why executives are expected to be efficient in organizations. World economics today are dependant on communication and psychology in its studies for sustainability. Not only this, human relations in every aspect is more relying on these two subjects for further existence otherwise there would remain no difference among humans and animals.

Nov 13, 2008

Islam and love

Throughout the globe people of different colours, races, castes, traditions and civilizations exist, but they are all considered as humans. This shows that nothing matters when it comes to humanistic approach. Confusion over this humanistic approach arises when among all these entities religion is added. The whole concept of humanity changes to most degraded state of any existing theory.
          It’s the most deteriorating situation faced by the greatest creature of Almighty. But it becomes more humiliating when is found that, the reason behind the demean of humanity is human itself. What makes this greatest creature of Almighty so inhumane? And the situation is getting worse with passage of time instead of giving a positive picture in this high-tech globalize world of humans.
          Many might debate over billions of reasons but so apparent that no solution can be concluded. The reason still lies over the attitude and perception, people of all colours living in this globe keeps; towards the holy concept of humanity. This attitude has made this beautiful globe suffer a lot. Wars have been enforced over and over killing livings, damaging nature’s preserves resulting in ruining the face of this earth.
          When every attribute of a particular race is respected and secured as sacred then why conflicts arises on the matter of religion and especially Islam in today’s world. No religion is aweless whether it’s Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pagans or whatever it may be. Where worshippers of a religion exist, the value of religion becomes as evident as human existence.

          A problem is not in the religion, it’s in the human’s nature which when acts stubbornly, disregard existence of its opponent. The same thing is observed which we see among different races of world today. They hate and lay down Islam just because they are following some other religion. Keeping a view is their foremost right but creating unhealthy plot for people of other religion due to their hatred is not only a very inhumane activity but also scorn to humanity.
          Islam is a religion that does not supports any inhumane idea, concept or activity. It’s pure in its teaching of love, peace, equality and humanity. No living man on this globe is Muslim in the true Islam who commits anything resulting in prejudice against any individual. It strictly discourages violence, tortures and wildness towards others.
          Muhammad (SAW), the holy man of ALLAH was sent to spread love not hatred. Life of Muhammad (SAW) is persistent of love throughout and His message is as humble as His spirit was. Followers of Islam are none other than followers of Muhammad (SAW) then how come Muslims be responsible to the fuss of this world?
          There is no understanding of the abasement entrusted over the Muslims and Islam by the world races. Why not Christians, Hindus, Pagans or any other responsible for world’s disputes? Why not they get abused and maltreated for their shortcoming? Why aren’t they cursed for all any of the mishap occurs in world?
No civilization is heavenly on this globe so defects subsist among every society. It does not mean that one has to compress other for any purpose.  Every society is composed of humans and humans are equal, in their existence, possessions and power. No matter whom they worship but they are all bound to the Mighty nature that held them tight on this land.
Islam- the love content is threatened again and again. It shows how holy it is for conspiracy has always been made against the concretes to abolish the best opponent. This conspiracy of world races is not against Islam but love but wouldn’t last for long because Islam- reflection of love, always finds its way anyway.
West specially has always blamed Muslims for all the bad incidents they faced and still are making its image detrimental among others also. Muslim states are being targeted and humiliated just because they follow Islam? When something wrong occurs, the first suspicion is made against Muslims. They are threatened and disrespected everywhere for their bad image.
There definitely are people who called themselves Muslim but act very weirdly that does play part in ruining the image of Islam but it doesn’t mean that because of few wrongs all are marked. And west has made it a trend that all misdeeds are put upon Muslims. This negative attitude of non-Muslims have discouraged followers of Islam excessively and effected Islamic activities severely. True Muslims fear to practice their religion openly and many have printed bad repute of non-Muslims in their mind just by their attitude. Even non-Muslims have preserved hatred towards Muslims and are getting it stronger day by day.
Islam promotes love among humans disregarding what religion they follow. It supports worshipping of every ideal freely. The world has discovered every religion in depth and people of today’s era keep detailed know-how of every other religion. The difference is made through activities but activities of any entity in world are affected by many factors and biased attitude of non-Muslims is affecting Islam and its followers to worse.
It’s greatly needed that forgetting religious biases, love and humanity is promoted to improve world relations and create true humanistic approach for happy living of this globe and its creatures. Islam is nothing but message of love in all perspectives. This conspiracy against love has to be abolished for competing hatred for hatred will only consequent in devastation of humanity.